More New York Sutton families ....

Richerson Sutton - NY

Abstracts of Wills - Liber. 30, Collections of the New York Historical Society, pg. 310:

Page 18. -- "This 25 day of July 1774, I, Richerson Sutton, of the Manor of Cortlandt, in Westchester County, farmer, being sick." I leave to my wife Elizabeth of my movable estate, "together with her proper Dower of lands." I leave to my two eldest sons, Moses and Daniel, 180 acres of land lying within the Manor of Cortlandt, viz., the north end of said land, with all the improvements. I leave to my other three sons, Robert, Samuel, and Francis, 208 acres of land, lying partly at he south end of my farm in the Manor of Cortlandt, and part in the bounds of Bedford New Purchase, with all the improvements. I leave to my eldest daughter, Esther, 50, when of age, and to my other 5 daughters, Deborah, Phebe, Mary, Jerusha, and Abigail, 40 each, when of age; to be paid by my sons, Daniel and Moses. All the rest of estate I leave to my sons, Daniel and Moses, who are to pay all debts, and the children are to be brought up til my son Samuel is of age. I make my trusty friends, Uriah Field, of Greenwich, in New England, and Josiah Quinby, of North Castle, and my son, Moses, executors.
Witnesses: Ebenezer White, Moses Quinby, Stephen Farrington, Quaker. Proved, September 16, 1775."

William Sutton of Mamaroneck, NY

Article taken from the Abstracts of Wills Liber. 37, Collections of the New York Historical Society for the Year 1904, On file in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York, vol. V, 1784-1786, p. 61:

"Page 424. - In the name of God, Amen. I, William Sutton, of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, yeoman. I leave to my well beloved wife Tamar, my son John, daughter Elizabeth, sons Joseph, Robert, Gilbert, daughter Pheby, my son, William Ritchie, all my real estate in Mamaroneck, Scarsdale or elsewhere (except 716 acres on the west side of Hudson's River in the township of New Stratford purchased of Robert R. Livingston, Esq.) and all my personal estate, both of which equally divided among them. The said lands on the west side of Hudson's River to be divided between my five sons: John, Joseph, Robert, Gilbert and William Ritchie. My children to receive their dividends as they come of age, the profits to remain in the hands of my wife "as an adequate for the bringing up the children." I make my wife Tamar, my son John, my brother Robert, and Joseph Bull, of New York, executors.
Dated December --, 1775. Witnesses: Nich. Belly, Thomas Roberson, of Mamaroneck, Major Scholefield. Proved, Westchester County, December 6, 1784. "

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