Benjamin Sutton of North Castle, NY

Artcile taken from the Abstracts of Wills Liber. 21, Collections of the New York Historical Society for the Year 1892, On file in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York, vol. V, 1754-1760, pp. 341-342:

"Page 424. - In the name of God, Amen, September 1, 1759. I, Benjamin Sutton, of North Castle, in Westchester County, being very sick. I leave to my wife the use of my farm where I now live until my daughter Abigail shall be 13 years of age. "My daughter Rachel shall have as much as my two daughters have had that was married before her." When my daughter Abigail is 13, my Plantation shall be sold. From the money there shall be paid to my eldest son John 105, To my son Benjamin 95, and the rest to my 4 younger sons, Reuben, Charles, Josiah, and Caleb. I leave to my wife Eleanor 1/3 of my movable estate, and the other 2/3 to be sold and the money paid to my daughters, Rachel, Mary, and Abigail. I make my son John, and my son in law, Stephen Farrington, executors.
Witnesses: Benjamin Smith, John Leverich, Joshua Hutchings. Proved, October 8, 1759, on affirmation of Benjamin Smith and Joshua Hutchings."

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